The Hidden Root Cause Of Your Suffering and How To Finally Get Well Again Even if your blood levels look “normal”



The Hidden Root Cause Of Your Suffering and How To Finally Get Well Again Even if your blood levels look “normal”
  • Dry skin
  • Weight gain
  • Fatigue and sluggishness
  • Muscle aches
  • Brain fog
  • Joint pain and stiffness
  • Sleep problem
  • Hot flashes
  • Low energy
  • Cold hands and feet
  • Brittle nails
  • Muscle weakness
  • Cold intolerance
  • Puffy face

If You’ve Been Suffering And Don’t Know Why,

You’re About To Get The Answers You’ve Been Searching For.

This for you if you’ve done everything - changed your diet, exercise, supplements, lifestyle - and still don’t feel well.
I'm going to teach you something that I've taught doctors around the world for many years - the myths regarding this massive pandemic - the Thyroid Hoax.

You'll find why your bloodwork may look normal, yet the symptoms never go away.

Or if you’ve reached the point where your bloodwork is finally off, you’ll find why even when you take that medication, you don’t get better.

There’s A Reason You Still Don't Feel Well. And There's A Solution.


On every cell, you’ll see we have hormone receptors.

In order for your hormones to work, they need to connect to one of these receptors. In this case, that’s the active thyroid hormone (T3).

When it gets its message into the cell - all is well.

If Something Is Blocking Hormone Receptor, Then It Doesn't Matter What Your Blood Levels Look Like.

The reason the blood work looks “good” is because there isn’t a problem with the levels of thyroid hormone, or other hormones like estrogen, testosterone and insulin.

If the cell can't hear the hormone (aka “hormone resistance”), it doesn't matter what your levels are.

And unfortunately, that's where most doctors start.


There's active hormones and there’s inactive hormones. In the case of the thyroid, T4 is an inactive hormone. That is the hormone that most doctors give.

Why’s this such an issue? In order to connect to the cell, gets the “message” in, and make you feel well, it needs to be converted to the active form (T3).

The problem is: this conversion has to happen in the liver, the gut, and even the kidneys.

The point? If it's not converting, you’ll be given this hormone, and it will actually make the blood levels look normal, but you’ll feel the same.


See this diagram? You’ve got the thyroid down in the neck.

But the place I really want your attention is right in the center of the brain. Something called the pituitary.

That's the control tower. That's what controls the thyroid, your adrenals, and most of your hormones.

What you'll see is that…

When Trying To Solve The Problem Down At The Cellular Level…
But You Have A Problem Up In The Pituitary, Then You're Not Going To Get Better.

This was my issue. I had unexplainable symptoms all of a sudden starting with fatigue. Then anxiety, insomnia, panic attacks, sound sensitivity, and more.

But after spending almost $5,000 on blood tests, but results came back “normal.”

Where I went wrong: I spent years trying to fix my thyroid, only to find it was really the “control tower” to blame - the pituitary.

The Numbers For This Global Thyroid Pandemic Will Shock You

Here are the Thyroid statistics for the US alone (according to the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists):
27mil 27 million suffer from a thyroid condition
50% 50% of those are undiagnosed
90% Up to 90% of women 40+ have subclinical hypothyroid (symptomatic but undiagnosed)
90% Leading thyroid doctor, Dr Broada Barnes MD, of the Broada Barnes Institute claims it’s 90% of American men and women.
80% 80% of thyroid conditions are in women. 80% of that percentage have hypothyroidism. And then 80% of THAT are autoimmune.

Most people have no idea because…

Most Doctor’s Don’t Even Run The Bloodwork… Because The Way They Treat It Is The Same

So to them, it doesn’t make a difference. But the point is: these things should in fact be approached differently.

Thyroid disease predisposes you to many other degenerative diseases.
  • It plays a major role in obesity and diseases associated with weight gain.
  • 50% of depression could be caused by an undiagnosed thyroid condition (according to the National Thyroid Institute). 
  • ​It’s also responsible for hormone problems associated with perimenopause, menopause, including symptoms that plague so many people.

Could this be my problem?

The Majority Of These Symptoms Start Long Before A Blood Test Would Come Back Positive For Hypothyroid…

  • Weight gain
    (that does not respond to diet or exercise)
  • Sleep problem
  • Fatigue
  • Hot flashes
  • Cold hands, feet, or cold in general
  • Thinning hair
  • Thinning of outer third of the eyebrows
  • Brain fog
  • Dry skin
  • Brittle nails
  • Constipation
  • Low energy
Those can often be more diagnostic than a darn blood test.
So, the question you should be asking is: what's the solution?
And it’s simple - get rid of the cause.

There Are 2 Root Causes We Need To Address To Get Well:

Cellular inflammation
science acknowledges this, and I'll show you in a minute, that it is the cause of most neurodegenerative and degenerative diseases today.
Specific neurotoxins
driving inflammation in the cells of organs and glands (hypothalamus, pituitary, liver, gut, etc.)
Both need to be addressed in any successful program.

Cellular Inflammation Is The True Underlying Cause Of 80-90% Of Hypothyroid Conditions

So what is it and why does it cause hypothyroid?
When “inflammation becomes chronic rather than transitory (meaning it’s temporary)… the body turns on itself - with after effects that seem to underlie a wide variety of diseases.”
Take a look at this cell…
You see those skulls? Those represent toxins. And they come in, attach to the cell membrane, and even attach to your mitochondria where you make energy.

And once they get inflamed, you don't have energy.

You can't move nutrients in your cell, and you can’t move toxins out. Therefore it starts to trigger genes that get turned on. One of which could be a thyroid gene.
This will become more clear in a moment. But right now, here's what I want you to understand:
You Can Eat A Perfect Diet And Take All Your Supplements…  But When The Cell Is Inflamed, You Are Not Able To Get Those Nutrients Into Your Cell.
Just like the hormones can't get their message in the cell.

You have a drop in ATP, which means you have a drop in energy.

I have a saying:
“If you don't fix the cell, you won't get well.”
In essence, we have to get to the cause of what's driving the chronic inflammation in most of America and across the globe.

What Is The True Cause Of Inflammation?

Over 7,000 different chemicals (only 5% are tested for developmental toxicity) are imported into the US for personal use, in amounts as high as 1 million pounds a year.

This is the problem. They’re in everything that we’re using and we’re ingesting them through our bodies in every way possible.

And some of the sources that I'm going to get into next are going to surprise the heck out of you.
  • Pesticides
  • ​Glyphosate
  • ​Forever Chemicals
  • ​Dioxins
  • ​Heavy Metals
  • ​Plastics
  • ​Endocrine Disruptors
This is a study from the Environmental Working Group showing that most of these toxins we’re actually inheriting from moms in utero.

This Problem Starts Before We Are Even Born

These specific toxins are devastating us two ways.
1 They’re passed from mom to baby. Even worse, they’re passed on for FOUR generations. Meaning if mom had lead, the babies had lead. If mom had mercury, the babies had mercury.
2 They're transferred epigenetics. This is the new science on genes. That means that if mom's gene is turned on for a thyroid condition, or weight loss resistance, yours may be too.

Identical Twin Study Reveals How Toxin Exposure Turns On Genes For Obesity And Hair Loss For 4 Generations

See these rats? This was a study from Duke University where they took identical twin rats.

They had the same exact DNA, put them in the exact same environment.
And then they exposed one group to a specific toxin that triggered a gene called the agouti gene that made them obese, with a thyroid condition. Their hair turned yellow, dry, brittle, started falling out.

And the sad part is, without exposing the next generation to the chemical, they were still born with the same gene turned on.

Now, the best part of the study that many don't talk about is they did certain things to actually turned the genes off in the next generation. I hope that got your attention.

This is what I've been teaching. I teach something called my 5 R's, which is really all in those studies of how we down-regulate this gene expression.

These 3 Neurotoxins Combine Into A Perfect Storm… And It’s Wreaking Havoc On Our Bodies And Brains.

The Lead Generation
Whether you grew up during or after the Lead generation, this is most likely a problem for you. I’ll explain:

Lead is inherited in utero from mom to baby - for 4 generations.

Right, so lead is inherited from mom. And just like in that Duke University study I shared a moment ago, it turns on the bad genes.

Let me share some personal proof:
[My wife’s lead levels]
[My son’s lead levels]
All of my biological children ended up with certain gut problems and certain health challenges.

I read a study showing what happens in pregnancy is most lead is stored in the bones. And it's very normal to lose lead during pregnancy.

It made me realize my wife’s lead got passed along to our kids during pregnancy.
The Mercury Generation
Mercury is highly linked to thyroid conditions due to its ability to bind to thyroid cell receptors.

Major sources include silver dental fillings, vaccines, and contact lens saline solution.

It’s brain mercury that is truly the hidden problem.

The amount of fillings in a mother’s mouth is proportional to how much, in autopsy studies, they found in the baby's brain.

Just like with the lead, it starts in utero.
The Glyphosate Generation
This is how these other neurotoxins are being sent deeper into the brain.

If you aren’t familiar with glyphosate, it's a chemical that's sprayed on nearly our entire food supply. And it makes the problem a whole lot worse.
There’s a 2012 study by Stephanie Senath, a senior scientist at MIT. She showed that this chemical we're all being exposed to makes these neurotoxins we've been exposed to, since birth, or in utero, go DEEPER into our brain, into our cells, into our nervous system.
Think about it: 3 stressors come together and boom, all
of a sudden the gene is triggered.

Take This 30-second Neurotoxic Quiz

  • Unusual Weight Gain/Loss
  • ​Cognitive Issues
  • ​Fatigue
  • ​Sleep Deprivation and Insomnia
  • Unstable Mood and Behavior
  • ​Thinning Hair and/or Hair Loss
  • ​Frequent Headaches
  • ​Constipation
  • ​Inexplicable Body Aches
  • ​Skin Problems
Look over this list. How many do you experience?

If you have 6 out of these 10? You've got a problem.
If you have 10 out of 10? You better be running for the answer
So let me give you that answer right now:
You need to remove the source. If the problem’s at the cell, the answer’s at the cell.

Real Detox MUST Happen At The

But we need to do this a particular way otherwise we’ll get more sick.
That’s where my 5R’s comes in. This is a roadmap that I use to teach doctors and it’s how we change gene expression.

You don’t need the specifics right now, as my program does that. But what you need to know right now is that:

This Is How We Down-Regulate Those
Genes That Are Turned On And
Triggered… And How We Detox The Cell

When your cell membranes are inflamed, it prevents nutrient absorption and hormone function, regardless of diet and lifestyle changes.
Therefore we want to remove the toxins from the cell. Here’s the problem…

Detoxing Cells Incorrectly Results In  Symptoms Getting Worse

Here’s why: as these toxins start moving out of the body, many of them end up in our liver.

When they go to the liver, they bind with something called bile. That’s a digestive fluid that’s made by the liver, stored in the gallbladder, and used in the intestines to break down fat.

When bile binds with these toxins, we get a toxic bile complex. The technical name is Hepatic Biliary Sludge.

The problem is when the bile dumps in the intestines (as it’s supposed to do to digest fat), what happens is it brings the toxins with it.

So now the bigger problem is this:

In The Lower Intestines, Our Body Is Designed To Reabsorb The Bile Back To The Liver, So It Doesn't Have To Create More.

Do you see the problem with that?
This is called auto-intoxication.

In my system, which I’ve been teaching almost 20 years, we follow my 5R process to upregulate cell function.

I use specific chelators and binders, so we don't reabsorb the toxins, so we can keep them from ending up back in our brain and other places in our body.

And so when this toxic bile complex is dumped in the gut, this pulls it all the way out of the body, so we don't reabsorb.

This is where most doctors go wrong. They don't upregulate cell function. Real detox happens right here at the cell. That's why I keep saying “if you don’t fix the cell, you don’t get well.”

So this system, you're gonna learn more about it, but that's how we do it.

WANT MY HELP Detoxifying Your Cells So You Can Finally Get Well?

The Cellular Inflammation Test Kit ($99 value)

This is your first step because it’s crucial we know whether your cells are inflamed.

You can complete this test from the comfort of your own home. It’s 50x more accurate than a blood test and within minutes you’ll find whether inflammation may be the cause of your chronic symptoms.

Comprehensive Cellular Health Analysis ($297 value)
You'll meet with one of my personally-trained experts who will assess the cause of your cellular dysfunction, and your thyroid problem.

Doesn't matter where you live either, because this will take place either on Zoom or over the phone.
Neurotoxicity Assessment ($99 value)
After coaching hundreds of doctors and thousands of people around the world, I developed this comprehensive assessment.

It’s been honed and refined over the past 20 years and is highly-accurate in identifying the role toxins are playing in your symptoms.

It’s crucial you take this assessment because it’s going to be instrumental in getting you well.
What people says
Jil Power
“I am able to fold the laundry without my shoulders hurting. I’m able to lift my hands when I’m worshiping in church. I’m able to go biking again, surfing again, hiking again, swimming again, etc. …

It has already been LIFE-CHANGING.

Coming from not knowing how many days you’d have left to feeling like you have your life back.”
Ben Greenfield
"Dr. Dan Pompa is considered to be an icon in the alternative health and wellness industry, traveling across the country educating practitioners, chiropractic docs and the general public on the root causes of inflammation driven diseases such as Weight Loss Resistance, Hypothyroid, Diabetes, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Autoimmune Disorders and other chronic conditions. He's especially smart and well-educated when it comes to fasting, ketosis and detoxification"
Dr. Gerry Curatola
"I personally enjoy intermittent fasting with healthy fats, moderate protein and low carbs. This has been extensively studied and suggested for improving energy levels and focus and is something I learned from my close friend and health coach, Dr. Dan Pompa."


Here’s What You’re Going To Get

So all together, this is what you get today:

  • In-Home Cellular Inflammation Test Kit ($99.00 value)
  • Cellular Health Analysis ($297.00 value)
  • Neurotoxicity Assessment ($99.00 value)
That’s a $495 value.
Which if it’d put you on track to getting well, it’d be more than worth it.

But today, I'm giving it to you for

$495 $167 save 66%

I don't know what more I can do to move you forward into changing your life. You saw the truth. You heard where it came from. You now know the solution.

So now it’s time to make the choice.

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